Thursday, June 02, 2005

Where are those sheep?

What happened to sleep? Maybe it's just the failed memory of an aging recent parent, and I do recall staying up late at night trying to get Ella's older brother to sleep at night, but I don't recall the continual, inconsistent sleep which I seem to be experiencing this time around. I'm sure my also sleep deprived wife would take issue with this and simply laugh at me as I'm sure she gets even less sleep then I do - but what happened? How can one small baby no bigger then a bread box be so fussy for so long during normal sleeping hours? It's not so much being fussy and not sleeping, it is the continual groaning and low level whining that is so grating. If she's going to insist on keeping her own hours, can't she do so quietly, looking off into space (or the 6-8 inches that actually come into focus), not bothering her two parents? This is not setting a good precedent for her far too rapidly approaching teen years. And on top of all of this lack of sleep, she hasn't even found a job in her four weeks of life.

Overall, Ella is still pretty cute and it's nice to hear many of those who see her comment on what a 'perfect' baby she is - if they only knew her sybil like personality that changes over around bed time. Ella has continued to gain weight, up 2lbs since her birth so she is eating and eating and eating... at this rate she'll catch up to her brother in no time.