Monday, May 16, 2011

Time Marches On

Well, Princess Ella has just recently turned the magical age of 6 and it seemed a good time to add a new blog entry to commemorate some recent and not so recent experiences from the Father’s point of view.

Ella’s Tooth:
Ever wanting to not fall behind her older sibling, Ella counted own the days until she too lost her first tooth. Sure her brother had lost is long ago and ever since that day Ella would consistently point out how wiggly her lower front tooth was and that it was sure to fall out at any time. Months later the first tooth actually did fall out to the great joy of Miss Ella. The tooth was collected, pillowed and tooth fairy fees paid for the detached organic.

The second tooth carried with it a bit more emotion.

The second tooth, adjacent to the first, became more and more wiggly over time to the point where it was barely hanging on. Ella had asked her never trained in dentistry father to remove the tooth, much like he had done the first and for each of her brothers. I had agreed.

Then life took over.

The tooth, ready to be removed with the slightest of tugs had to wait until after dinner because, really, who wants to remove a tooth from a child with a mouth full of food? Then it was time to rush off to Ella’s soccer game – no time for the tooth as we need to rush to get soccer gear on and shoes tied, into the car and off to the soccer field where, by happenstance, the rest of her team were waiting! No time for tooth extraction now, there are friends to play with and a game to win….. then came half time of the game.

Time for orange slice snacks.
Suddenly, there was no tooth – it had been dislodged by the biting/sucking of orange slices.

Let the emotional flood gates open and tear ducts shift into overdrive.

The teammates helped look for the tooth in the strands of grass and dirt around the area Ella was eating.
Parents and others joined in the search, including the father who was now feeling really badly that he hadn’t pulled the tooth prior to or during dinner down on his hands and knees trying to look in and around each and every blade of grass in the area for anything looking like the half pencil eraser sized bone white tooth. To no avail.

More tears.

Then, in true perseverance fashion, Ella wiped away the tears and re-entered the again underway soccer game to the cheers of those watching and those playing ‘for Ella’s tooth’.

They won the game.

The following morning all was well with the world as the Tooth Fairy had been alert enough to the missing lower incisor and had visited during the night leaving not quarters as it had done previously, but leaving an actual dollar bill – which proved to be special indeed.