Wednesday, May 11, 2005

No News is Good News

I have to say, so far Ella's been a pretty easy baby. No constant crying or whimpering (she leaves that to her father), she's fussy only when she's hungry, needs a new set of drawers, or needs to put any sailor to shame with a good burp. That's about it.

Her 10 day checkup went without a hitch. She's only lost .1 lbs, not to bad, and is starting to eat like her big brother - lots and often.

Her eyes are always open, trying to look around, although I'm not really sure how much she can actually see in focus, but I hold her up to the colorful paintings and pictures we have around the house to at least give her a change of scenery from staring at the blankets she's continually wrapped up in.

Her short, dried up, basically gross looking umbilical cord stub has finally fallen off - leaving just a bit at the base, but at least it's not catching on everything any more.

Ella seems to already have far more friends then I do, although that isn't a real shocker - she's much cuter and has a better personality then her often compared to a door knob father. She's received a great many cards, well wishes, visitors and has been fortunate enough to have been presented with a great many gifts. The latest to arrive was a very nice set of soft, fuzzy items from the Ehrlich family. Elizabeth Ehrlich runs and produces some very nice, customized baby items. Ella now has a little blanket with her name on it and a series of little burp cloths (I hope that's what they are, else I'm really going to be embarrassed that I've used them for that).

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