Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Teeth… we have Teeth…!

This past week the newest member of the Stutz clan, baby Ella, has two new lower, front teeth poking through her gums which, understandably, has made her a little more cranky given how sharp they are. They must be taking a toll not only on her gums, but also on her tongue which, as it continually zips in and out of her mouth like a dessert snake looking for food, is always in motion. Overall she is still a pretty happy baby.

Ella's reaching out with her still tiny hands and fingers and grabbing her feet these days as well. Pretty cute to watch actually. Ella is now far more aware of her surroundings then she has been looking all around, taking it all in. Ella’s also using her hands to grab on to much more then just her feet - noses, hair, fingers, toys - pretty much anything within reach she’s trying to grab on to. Where Ella used to be too small even for the 0-3 month sized clothes, she’s now out grown most of them and is able to wear a wide variety of "oh isn’t she cute" clothes. Now if only she would take scheduled naps, all would be well in the land of Stutz.

I tried giving her Mandarin orange slice last night. That did not go over very well. I haven't seen a happy baby face turn to bitter beer face so fast since I tried to feed her brother Gerber peas. I think we'll wait a while before trying those again.

Ella did get some outside time yesterday. Ella, her brother Aidan and I all went out for a walk. Actually I went for the walk, they pretty much just went for a ride - all packed up in Aidan's little red, all terrain, jacked up, knobby tired radio flyer wagon. Ella in her car seat, placed perpendicular across the back of the wagon, Aidan in front immediately taking his little toddler Tevas off. Ella seemed to enjoy the ride, looking around at all that was slowly moving by as we trudged up the hill to the local high school and quickly fell asleep. Well, at least she had some fresh air for a bit - well, semi fresh given the number of cars which seemed to keep slowing down while passing us to take a look a the cute little girl snoozing in the back of the little red, all terrain, jacked up, knobby tired radio flyer wagon.


Anonymous said...

Now that she has teeth, don't let Aidan teach her how to open beer bottles (that's Jay's job, after all).

Delighted that you got both kids outside for a ride. Good for you! I'm not surprised you had the passers by slowing for a look --- a handsome father with two beautiful kiddies.

So glad you're finding things to remember about Ella's early days. Even a new size (clothes or diapers) is a big event in little lives.
L, M

Anonymous said...

Fun reading, takes me back to the good old days with my kids. Have fun.