Monday, January 16, 2006

Wasted Time?

Poor little Ms Ella has been sick the past couple of days. Emptying the contents of her walnut sized stomach multiple times per day. It's amazing how much can come out of such a small stomach - yuck!. Needless to day, Ella hasn't been her normal, full of energy, wanting to chase her brother around all over the house self. She's been pretty quiet for the most part.

Today is a holiday for me so I had the luxury of staying home. Being a wet and rainy day, the 28th of the last 29 days - apparently a record for Seattle which, in itself is hard to believe - there really wasn't much to do outside so, for a good part of the morning, sat on the couch with little Ms Ella. We played a little bit, gently bouncing around on my knee like a rubber balloon stuffed with sand until she had enough and immediatly fell asleep on my chest for the next couple of hours with her mouth open just enough to let just the tip of her pink tongue poke out to fill up the space.

Wasted time? If so, it was the best wasted time I've had for a long while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on, Dad! No time spent with the kids is ever wasted time. Enjoy!
L, M